Friday, April 10, 2009

I need this book

The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One

I need to read this book!

Right now I have so many projects I want to pursue and limited time to do so - I end up spending the time I have trying to decide what I really want to do instead of accomplishing anything:

- Redecorate the dining room and kitchen and then redo all the floors downstairs

- Start writing articles for eHow

- Find ways to generate extra income through blogging

- Consider setting up shop as a Virtual Assistant

- Empty out ALL my crafting stashes and start fresh (except perhaps for the quality beads - they were the largest investment)

- Learning more about and helping more with Near Perfect Husband's passion (raising cattle)

- Prepare for and complete the PMI Scheduling Professional certification exam

- Learn to sew (in particular, learn to alter clothing so it fits me properly)

- Redesign the Brownville Concert Series web site in time to celebrate 20 years next season

- Join or start a women's Bible study

- Travel (OK, that requires that many other projects be successful, particularly those that generate income!)

Renaissance Soul, can you help me?

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