Friday, April 10, 2009

Day of self indulgence

Yesterday was a day of total self indulgence:
- I spent twice as long on the internet, with a lot of random googling
- I had lunch with two great friends, then spent part of the afternoon reminiscing with the better half <<g>> (the other half had to return to work)
- I bought a new pair of shoes appropriate to wear with a dress, something my wardrobe hasn't seen in several years
- I shopped at a local clothing store and got almost completely outfitted for spring/summer (including the Easter dress I started out to buy)
- I took cheeseburgers and fries home to share with Near Perfect Husband while we watched No Country for Old Men
- Lots of "I"s - VERY self indulgent!
But, that movie? An awesome movie - very gripping - I whacked the lamp with my outflung hand when the station wagon crashed into Javier's vehicle - but I REALLY need resolution at the end of my movies and today I'm still trying to find it for that one. Maybe that was their point? We decided we might want to read the book as well, but from reasearching it, it seems the film is faithful to the book in how it ends.

1 comment:

Danger Haley said...

Who did you eat lunch with? I'm confused...

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