Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I have no intentions of making money with this blog

So there!
Seriously, I was just re-reading some old posts and actually enjoyed what I was reading - until I got into the time frame where I realized other people were using their blogs to make money and hey why didn't I try it! I really didn't like the posts from that time. And it wasn't very successful (I didn't make any money).
I think - to make money from a blog - it has to be like a job. You have to spend a fair amount of time adding widgets and reading other blogs and doing complimentary linking (all those bloggers you read should come and read you in return and all of us should click through each others' links and it will be great because we'll all make lots of money) AND you have to be witty or a subject matter expert (or do a lot of research to pretend to be an SME) or write about really sad or compelling things or whatever it takes to get people to keep reading your blog.
Whew! This started out to be a place where I could be my own weird self, uninterrupted and uncriticized, and that's where it's going to end up. If you're reading it here, it's because I felt like saying it. Period. Over and out. OK, I did steal that from Danger Haley - she's so clever!

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