Saturday, February 07, 2009

Stolen from Shannon (who stole it from Laura)...

...because I just can't get motivated to blog anymore without some impetus!

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say To Ten Different People Right Now (in no specific order)

1. You are the most amazing man I've ever known.
2. My heart breaks from so much love for you.
3. I miss the woman you were when I first met you.
4. I am so glad I know you, even though I don't see you very often - you make me happy to be myself.
5. You will always be my best friend and I miss you so much!
6. I am so proud of you and so excited to see how God continues to use you!
7. You have such an amazing heart for other people; save some energy for yourself!
8. I love you
9. I need you
10. I'm Home (Yes, these last three I stole from Shannon, but how could I not? Aren't the words "I'm home" about the sweetest to hear and to say?)

Nine Things About Myself

1. I'm insecure
2. I love to sing
3. I change anywhere I want cuz no one's going to look <<>>
4. I love having quiet time
5. I love to be generous
6. The book is always better than the movie (amen, sister!)
7. I wanted to be Perry Mason when I was little
8. I still do
9. I used to like to write, but it takes SO LONG - guess I've joined the instant gratification generation,,,

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

1. Keep it real
2. Make me laugh
3. Teach me about things I don't know
4. Stand in the gap
5. Be strong
6. Be honest
7. Love God and live like you do
8. Have blue eyes ;-)

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

1. When will I get to retire
2. Is it sinful to buy powerball tickets
3. Will Heaven be interesting
4. Will I have grandchildren
5. What did Jesus really look like
6. Travel
7. What is the purpose of some of the more obscure stories in the Old Testament (not stories in the made up sense, but stories about people/events)

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep

1. Eat supper
2. Knit or crochet
3. Fall asleep in my chair
4. Smoke
5. Use the bathroom
6. Set the alarm

Five People Who Mean A Lot.......
***i refuse to answer this question on the grounds that most of the people in my life are really important to me***DITTO!

Four Things You're Wearing Right Now
1. jeans
2. shirt
3. socks
4. shoes

Three Songs You Listen To Often
1. Get Right With the Man
2. I Can't Do It On My Own
3. All the hymns from Alan Jackson's CD

Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die
1. Retire
2. Have grandkids

One Confession:
I want to take a nap right now!

1 comment:

Danger Haley said...

no the "you never call" is not about you. And I am shallow - you have no idea. love you

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