Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

1. I could happily live on cheese sandwiches and Coke
2. I love my ears
3. I want to be a fence rider
4. For Halloween one year I dressed like one of the band members from Kiss
5. I think natural childbirth is an urban myth
6. I have a degree in journalism but have never been a journalist
7. I like to read magazines back to front
8. I want to start my own business designing web pages and databases
9. I'm proud of my sister
10. My favorite baby age is 6 to 18 months
11. Why does this have to be 25 things???
12. I have two toes on each foot webbed together
13. In my mind, I am still 26 years old
14. I'm afraid if I quit smoking I will lose my best friend
15. I'm a packrat (aren't you shocked?)
16. Fear of failure keeps me from doing or finishing things I really want to do or finish
17. I have been very cranky the last two days
18. I wore one brown and one black sock to work the other day . . . and no one noticed (but I work with all men)
19. It would be like when you were a little kid and you sang all the time in stores, in restaurants, outside, inside, at the libraryl... (sometimes i wonder what would happen if life became like a musical and everyone suddenly burst into song and dance - Shannon)
20. me, too (i love to laugh until my stomach hurts - Shannon)
21. My left shoulder feels like I have rotator cuff damage (don't laugh!)
22. I don't wear glasses anymore
23. I don't want Shannon to get a tattoo
24. My social skills are sorely lacking
25. I'm terrified of having a stroke

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