Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tiny Ninja

Danger Haley and The W


JustAGirl said...

thanks, it's one of the pics i took out by Jed and Kathy's.

Dance Dance Revolution is a great game that i love but it costs like 500 total for the game system, equipment, and the game. :( oh well. i can always go to the arcade i guess

see you tonight! i think i'm just going to pay for it and then write the check out to me. love you!

PS: i dont think you should post pics of me on your blog...even if it's cartoon art. ;)

Danger Haley said...

Hey - didn't know how I should respond to your comment on my book post. If you mean the "Flamel" books, I have the first one. I had to have my friend check the second one out for me. It's available in hardback but I have the first one in paperback and so it was just easier that way.
The City of Ember does have a sequeal and our beloved shannon has it.

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