Saturday, March 07, 2009

Praise and worship

I love the song My Glorious by Delirious?, mostly for this line:

God is bigger than the air I breathe

That's just immense, isn't it? Days like yesterday, when I shut God out and let myself become burdened by the cares of this world, I need to remember the immensity of God, and the absolute unimportance of most of my worldly cares (like work!). It's important to do a good job for my employer, but the little dramas that occur aren't part of that and I know God will lift me above it when I let Him. When I remember I am God's child and there is nothing more significant than that, then I cease to let my work define my worth and I'm able to let go of the silliness. WHEN I remember...

So, really, this post was going to be about how my most heartfelt worship always centers around music, hence the title. Maybe I'll write about that another day.

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