Sunday, April 05, 2009

Interview with the girls

What's something your mom always says to you?
- I love you
- Pick that up! :p

What makes your mom happy?
- Crocheting and knitting
- Taking out the trash

What makes your mom sad?
- Being afraid people don't love or like her
- Flipping her off

How does your mom make you laugh?
- Greatly. . .deep, full and rich
- By talking ;)

What was your mom like as a child?
- Smart, not terribly athletically, and very musically gifted (much like today in all ways hehe :)
- Ornery, I think

How old is your mom?
- 50?
- 30 of course (that'll be extra creepy in about four years)

How tall is your mom?
- 5'6"
- Taller than me :(

What is her favorite thing to do?
- Crochet and knit
- Crochet, read, sleep while Wayne watches TV

What does your mom do when you're not around?
- The same things she does when I am :) Crochet, knit, love the Lord and submit to her husband
- Talk to herself

If you mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
- Hmmm. . .probably her generosity
- Crocheting

What is your mom really good at?
- Being my mom, being a wife, playing the piano, typing, organizing, and making beef and noodles
- Crocheting, advice

What is your mom not really good at?
- Quitting smoking
- Patience, trying to solve other people's troubles (DON'T GET MAD)

What does your mom do for a job?
- Scheduling Specialist for NPPD
- Nuclear librarian/scheduler

What is your mom's favorite food?
- Cheese sandwiches
- LOL cheese sandwiches and Coke

What makes you proud of your mom?
- Opening up and loving again
- That she marches to her own drum and that she continues to try to quit smoking even though it's really scary for her

What do you and your mom do together?
- Sing, talk, shop, whatever
- Talk

How are you and your mom the same?
- I have learned to be strong from my mom, but also to be very sensitive (sorry if that was hurtful lol). We are funny in our own special ways and are probably too concerned with other people's perceptions of us. We will both be in Heaven together.
- Stubborn, like to read, encouragers

How are you and your mom different?
- She's older? I'm my mother's daughter. However. . .I think I have more self confidence than my mom. . .but surely she must know that she paved the way for that to occur. If she hadn't believed in me, I never would have.
- I'm more laid back; she's way smarter

How do you know your mom loves you?
- You don't sacrifice as my mom has without love. You don't tolerate as many phone calls from your child as my mom does without love. You don't pray for your children the way my mom does without love.
- She misses me when I'm gone; she always pushes me to do my best

What does you mom like most about your dad(-bob)?
- That he loves God more than he loves her
- . . .I don't know. . .maybe that he's gentle?

Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
- Probably anywhere to see family or friends
- Home

My girls are awesome, they are funny, they are much smarter than I am and way cuter, too. Love you!!!

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