Friday, December 05, 2008

You never know where the web will take you...

So, I'm reading my daily dose of Crochet Partners and there's a post about a Rapunzel scarf that sounds interesting, so I go to Craftster and search it out. It's just CUTE and I think I must make some of these, and I read through the entire thread for ideas and find this amazing quote in the signature line of jutybo:

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. Faith is the belief that God will do what is right. --Max Lucado

God, this morning I'm asking you for the strength and courage to believe You will do what is right, even when all my sinful self wants to believe is that You will do what I want.

Another serendipitous happening: I saw this great hat on deBBie's blog which included her comment that she didn't have a pattern for it. I suggested it might be UNFAIR to show this great hat with no guidance on how to make it, and she responded to my comment on her blog with suggestions on how to recreate it. Thank you, deBBie! Take time to check out her amazing tiny deBBitty bear treasures I would never have the patience or dexterity to accomplish!

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