Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thoughtful reading...

Do you ever feel discouraged or disappointed with your life after reading posts authored by the uber talented, thrifty, clever folks in blogland? Tracy at Unless the Lord posted this great REALITY CHECK that was such a blessing to me - hope it will speak to your heart as well!

Do you ever wonder how to manage friendships with the opposite gender - what's appropriate, what's over the top? Suzanne Hadley shares some very good thoughts on this topic in this article: Not Your Buddy. Thanks to Miss Alice for her post The Friendship Myth which led me to Hadley's article.

I just got back from a six-day jaunt to Mississippi for my nephew's wedding, so have lots of catching up to do. Call me frumpy and style-less, but November seems an odd month to have barefoot bridesmaids...

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